Transform a Street Dog story...
Transform a Street Dog story...
Since 2018 Transform a Street Dog has been on the ground in Kyiv, Ukraine rescuing, rehabilitation and finding homes abroad for street dogs.
February 24th 2022 Russia launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine. Our team in Kyiv woke up to missiles.
A few days later our dogs and teammates became surrounded when an army of Russian tanks and soldiers arrived and occupied the area around the capital.
Amongst the terror and chaos our team has been there since day one supporting dog owners who had to flee the war and rescuing abandoned dogs, injured dogs, starving shelter dogs and terrified street dogs.
Transform a Street Dog partnered with Big Dog Ranch Rescue(BDRR) of Florida, USA and Protecting Lives at All Costs (PLAAC) of the UK to rescue abandoned dogs from war-torn Dnipro, Ukraine.
They risked their lives driving through active war zones to rescue the dogs from Dnipro and bring them to our peretrymka (kennel) in a safer part of Urkaine.