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Sex: Female
This is Terra, a majestic and powerful Alabai with a difficult personality
and in fact she is just a very scared child who hides very deep. Terra spent most of her time with her sister in a kennel, possibly without proper attention or training. When her previous owners had to give up the dogs, Terra’s sister found a new place, and she found herself completely alone without a sister and without a family.
We welcomed Terra into our shelter, but her adaptation has been extremely challenging. She only acknowledges one person - Katya, one of our staff members who brought her to the shelter. Terra feels safe with Katya, allowing her to walk and care for her. But without Katya, Terra is hostile toward everyone else. She even lashes out when offered food, expressing a level of aggression that seems to be her only way of protecting herself.
Another challenge for Terra is her hearing impairment. Her poor hearing complicates her interactions with people and adds to her anxiety.
We don’t know what Terra’s past was like, but when a dog grows up surrounded by love and care, it doesn’t exhibit aggression. Terra is not an aggressive monster - she is an animal that has suffered because of human actions, because she grew up never knowing love. She is a victim, not a monster.
She’s like a wounded child who has never known love.
Alabais are a breed designed for guarding and protection. They are loyal but highly independent. Terra embodies these traits - she acknowledges only one person and refuses to trust anyone else. She needs a specialist - an experienced dog trainer familiar with the Alabai breed - who can help her manage her fears and aggression.
We feel deeply for Terra. Her eyes reflect suffering and distrust of a world that has never been kind to her. But we remain hopeful that with the right approach, she can find peace.
Terra is a large dog of a serious breed, and finding her a home may be very difficult. We don’t know if we’ll ever succeed in finding her a family, but we do know that we will do everything in our power to give her a dignified and peaceful life here at our shelter.
If you would like to help Terra, please consider becoming her sponsor. Your support will give her a chance at a better life and the opportunity to take steps toward trust and peace. Together, we can help even the most challenging dogs find warmth and comfort.
Terra is a dog who reminds us that even the strongest and most majestic beings need support. She deserves a chance to find peace and trust, even if it’s within the walls of our shelter.
Let’s give Terra a life filled with warmth and safety, together.

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