For Adoption

Animals available for adoption

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Age: about 2 years old
Weight: 15 kg
Sex: Female
Available for adoption in Northern California.
Age: 6 years
Weight: 23lbs/10.5 kg
Sex: Male
Age: 6-7years
Weight: 23 kg / lbs
Sex: Female
Adoption pending
Age: near 2 years
Weight: 12 kg / lbs
Sex: Female
Age: near 5-7 / Born near 2015-2018
Weight: 22 kg
Sex: Female
Age: near 4 / Born near 2020
Weight: 24 kg / lbs
Sex: Female
Age: near 4 years
Weight: 22 kg / lbs
Sex: Female
Age: near 4 years
Weight: 20 kg / lbs
Sex: Female
Age: was born near June 2023
Weight: 22 kg/48 lbs
Sex: Female

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