Sex: Male
Age: 2 year
Size: medium
Weight: 20 kg
Height: 50cm
Breeds: mixed
This is how Rihanna describes it in her song. Our Bright can also say that about his eyes. He has two different colored eyes, one of them bright light blue. His eyes are really a pretty eye-catcher. About the nature of our sweet treasure: BRIGHT is a totally loving, open-minded, but sometimes also stormy shepherd mix, who can be taught many great things in a short time with treats training, to enable him a great coexistence of human and dog. Shepherds love to please their humans anyway and show that through unbelievable loyalty. Another characteristic of shepherds is their communication. They “talk” very gladly sometimes or like to tell something. Of course not constantly, but it is an interesting observation. But that just mentioned on the side. Bright is with 2 other dogs in a kennel and gets along well with them. When we come to them in the kennel, he is pretty quick ‘on the start’, so he comes running right away to get as possible as first the cuddles. He was born around 01.03.2021 and has a shoulder height of 50 cm. We rescued him with many other poor souls from the war in Ukraine, where they certainly experienced terrible things. But fortunately you don’t notice that on our cheerful treasure. Who would like to give this pretty dog a nice home now, where he can also show what for a great buddy he is?

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