
Age: 7 year
Sex: Male
Health: healthy (100% vaccinated, spayed, microchipped)
Character: Bim is cautious with people at first but he is an open and intelligent character so very soon gets used to people. Once he trusts the adults around him, he is confident to ask for a lot of attention and gets on with humans and dogs! We would love Bim to go to a family where he could be helped to overcome his terrible past. He has proven himself ready by learning very quickly to walk on a leash!
Story: Bim is about 7 years old, if you calculate it in human terms, it will be about 44 years. Beam spent exactly as much time in the shelter. He never knew what real human love and devotion was, he never knew that he could have his own warm and comfortable place, his own toys, he did not know that there was an abundance of delicious food and, most importantly, that he could have his own human , a special one who cares and cares only about him, to whom you can approach when you are just sad, and you will definitely be scratched behind the ear and you will hear a few kind words.
The days at the shelter passed one after the other and for our Bim were exactly the same, the only joy he had all these years was the moment when the caretaker took him for a short walk and gave him that little piece of attention that he had been waiting for all day. For this short moment, he felt needed and not alone, for a few minutes he had a friend, that friend he had been waiting for all day, every day of his life.
He didn't know anything else, so he was so glad for this short walk, so glad that if he has enough luck today, he would be petted, talked to and paid attention to.
The walk ended and he had to return to his empty enclosure, where he patiently waited for the next day, the meaning of his whole life, his 5 minutes with a human.
But these are not all the trials that befell of our Beam. Of course, he didn't understand what WAR was, he was just very scared that night, from flashes and explosions that sounded from everywhere, and it was even scarier the next day, when no one came to him. No one came the next day, and the day after that...
The shelter in which Beam was located was under occupation 5 weeks and the workers were unable to reach him due to hostilities.
We do not know what miracle help Bim to survive, only five weeks later people were able to reach the shelter and provide help. Five weeks without water and food, five weeks of complete fear and suffering.
During the occupation, 335 dogs died of hunger and thirst in the Borodyanka shelter in closed cages, 150 survived, and Bim was one of them by a miracle.
This dog was evacuated from during the active invasion of Kyiv. he was evacuated to our kennel near the Polish border and is still waiting to find his home, because he cannot go back to Kyiv again, he should not come under the bombing on streets,or stay in Shelter.

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