Introducing Malvina, a captivating and affectionate female canine, approximately 1 year old. Despite her petite size, weighing between 7-9 kg, and the unique feature of missing one ear, Malvina is the picture of health – she has been veterinary treated and spayed, ensuring her well-being.

Malvina’s social skills shine as she mingles harmoniously with her 23 fellow furry friends in our Kyiv residence. While her interactions have been limited to dogs, she displays no aggressive tendencies toward other animals, although she hasn’t had the chance to share her space with children or cats.

Malvina’s journey has shaped her into a somewhat cautious and shy individual around new faces, but her innate gentleness and cheerful demeanor continue to light up her world. Her indomitable spirit proves that her physical difference doesn’t dim her zest for life.

Malvina is more than just a dog – she’s a bundle of love and positivity yearning to be embraced by a caring and devoted family. If you’re ready to make a lasting connection with an extraordinary furry companion, Malvina is eagerly anticipating the opportunity to become the cherished member of your family. Open your heart and home to this wonderful soul – she’s ready to embark on a journey of happiness with you.

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